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British Education

ОBritish Education

Compulsory education takes place between the ages of 5 and 16. Schools in Britain are state or private. Children get preschool education under the age of 5 in nursery schools or in infant's classes in primary schools.

Most pupils get free education, less of them attend schools wholly independent (private). Most independent schools are single-sex, but the number of mixing schools is growing. Education has two stages: primary and secondary education.

Primary schools are divided into infant schools (ages 5-7), and junior schools (ages 7-11). In Infant schools children learn to read, write. At junior school children are learning arithmetic, reading, composition, history, geography nature study and others. Pupils get marks A, B, C and D.

Then children had to seat for the eleven-plus examination. According to the results of the exam children are sent to Grammar, Technical or Secondary modern schools.

Comprehensive schools give all the courses given in Grammar, Technical and Secondary modern schools. The main examinations for secondary school pupils are general certificate of education (the GCE) exam and certificate of secondary education (the CSE) exam.

Категория: Темы | Добавил: OksanaYabl (2010-01-30)
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